Holiday Giveaway
From October 14th through December 31st, we here at are hosting an epic loot give away unlike anything we have ever done! We have OVER $5000 IN LOOT CODE PRIZES* to randomly award to purchasers of Toy Loot during this promotion. This loot give away is in honor of the recent 6.0.2 patch, which updated us with a "Toy Box" tab! This Toy Box has given players a better understanding of all the cool Toy Loot available in-game, and since we are celebrating Christmas and all... what better way to promote toy awareness?
(*Prize amount based on Instant Buy purchase price.)
WHEN: This promotion started with eligible purchases on 14th October, and will run up until the ball drops for the New Year 12:00AM UTC January 1st 2015. Drawing completed, winners will alerted via email set on their account.
HOW IT WORKS: We will track all loot purchased during the entire duration of this promotion, as well as all loot purchased since the release of the Toy Box in patch 6.0.2 (14th October), that is classified as Toy Loot on the site. Essentially, any loot item that appears within the in-game Toy Box once redeemed. For a full list of qualifying loot, please see the Toy Loot tab located in the upper header section of Additionally, any loot shown with a corresponding raffle ticket on the Cheapest page can quickly be identified as Toy Loot.
When viewing the Cheapest page, all Toy Loot will have corresponding raffle tickets associated with the listing. The number shown on the ticket itself is the amount of raffle tickets each purchase of the loot is worth. At the end of this promotion, every qualifying raffle ticket your account has accumulated through Instant Buy purchases on will be pooled together, and winning tickets will be pulled randomly to determine our winners!
Some loots will be listed with special GOLD Raffle Tickets, instead of the normal red. Gold raffle tickets are indicative of loot we have decided to award bonus raffle tickets to for the duration of this promotion. Additionally, we may consider surprising you with more red to gold ticket conversions in the future, but this will be very rare. If a red ticket does get a gold bump, though, the boost is retroactive and all previous purchases will be awarded the new gold value!
PRIZES: We have created a prize pool focused on awarding as many prizes to as many users as possible! Instead of just a top heavy prize list focused on only a few high end loot, we have mixed together a few solid rare loot with HUNDREDS of in-game pets!
- $500 store credit x 1
- Ethereal Soul-Trader x 2
- Ghastly Charger's Skull x 1
- Riding Turtle x 1
- Tabard of Brilliance x 1
- Bananas x 4
- D.I.S.C.O. x 1
- Ethereal Portal x 1
- Fishing Chair x 1
- War Party Hitching Post x 1
- Purple Puffer x 100
- Gusting Grimoire x 100
- Eye of the Legion x 100

With hundreds of loot to give away, your chances of winning have never been higher!
YOUR TICKET TOTAL: Register and Purchase to participate in giveaway.
- Only loot purchased using Instant Buy count towards this promotion. Any loot purchased through eBay does not qualify.
- Only loot classified as Toy Loot will count toward this promotion. Toy Loot can be found by viewing your in-game Toy Box, by browsing the Toy Loot tab at the top of our site, or by finding any loot on the Cheapest page with corresponding raffle tickets. Any loot on the Cheapest page that does not show a raffle ticket is not being considered for this promotion.
- All loot purchased between 12:00AM October 14th and 12:00AM January 1st (UTC) will count towards this promotion. We are retroactively acknowledging loot purchased before the official launch of this promotion as a way of saying thank you for your business. If you purchased before October 14th, we apologize for not being able to reward you with tickets, but hey... you have already won in that prices on Toy Loot have gone up considerably since then!
- The amount of raffle tickets a Toy Loot is worth in this promotion can only increase, and will never depreciate in value. Loot has a constantly changing market value, and if we modify the price up/down during the promotion, there may be times where we decide to also increase the corresponding raffle ticket value for that specific loot. If we do, this change will be retroactive, and all purchases of that loot made during the entire promotion will be worth the final value. The amount of raffle tickets any given loot is worth can only increase, and will never decrease - even if the price is lowered.
- At the close of this promotion, all pooling of tickets and prize pulling will be handled by staff internally, and you need not worry about doing anything further! All winners will be contacted via email with their winning codes, and we will post a master list of all winners for verification.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us in our website Chatbox! We would rather avoid having our email be bombarded with promotion-related questions, as this will slow down our response time for customers with concerns or issues regarding purchases. Additionally, be sure to check out and periodically during the length of this promotion, as they will be running promotions of their own to help us in plugging our give away! This means additional chances of winning free loot, so be sure to check them out!
We hope you have fun with this Toy Loot give away, and we wish you a happy holiday season!