Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger

Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger

Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger
Mount (Account-wide)
Requires Apprentice Riding
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
Summons and dismisses a rideable Swift Spectral Tiger.

"Historians claim that these incorporeal beasts were created when Draenor exploded, unleashing energies that warped the world's flora and fauna."
Reins of the Spectral Tiger
Mount (Account-wide)
Requires Apprentice Riding
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
Summons and dismisses a rideable Spectral Tiger.

"In true goblin fashion, Landro Longshot has put a stranglehold on the distribution of these mysterious incorporeal mounts."
Game Facts:
  • Upon redemption you will receive two versions of this mount. The epic version will have extra armor on both tail and legs.
  • Both the rare and epic version can be learned by same character.
  • Both the level 20 mount (rare) and the level 40 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
  • Each mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
  • When learned, each tiger mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
Expansion: Fires of Outland
Card: Spectral Tiger
Rarity: 1/484 booster packs
Distribution: Fires of Outland booster boxes contain 24 boosters and cost approx $140 USD (inc. shipping), therefore the average cost of obtaining this particular loot with random chance is $2,823.00

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