News for March 7, 2025 more
We have been given word that the following Trolli promotional loot are expiring at the end of March 2025:
- [Gummi]
- [Classic Brick Tabard]
- [Classic Lively Tabard]
- [Classic Sunny Tabard]
- [Classic Crimson Tabard]
We have good news for pet collectors, Vanilla CE Pets are back in stock for US / KR / TW / EU regions.
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Soul-Trader Beacon
Pet Loot
- Summons a miniature Consortium member as a Non-Combat pet.
- When summoned emotes "I have arrived. Shall we set to work, then?".
- Pet follows and absorbs souls from slain mobs via killing blow in return for [Ethereal Credit].
- To earn credit enemies must be capable of giving experience / honor, i.e. green or harder, and character must have the killing blow.
- The pet also acts as a vendor and the following items can be bought with [Ethereal Credit]:
[Diluted Ethereum Essence] [Ethereal Mutagen] [Ethereal Liqueur] [Ethereal Essence Sphere] [Soul-Trader's Bindings] [Soul-Trader's Boots] [Soul-Trader's Gloves] [Soul-Trader's Head Wrap] [Soul-Trader's Pauldrons] [Soul-Trader's Waistband] - The vendor purchasable Soul-Trader clothing set closely matches those worn by Consortium members.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Classic Brick Tabard
Wardrobe Loot
- Available as part of special promotion in conjunction with Trolli Candy + Xbox in September 2024.
- Tabard availability was extra limited due to specific Walgreens retailer requirement.
- Available for US, EU, and KR Battlenet Accounts.
- When learned, counts towards all wardrobe collection achievements.
Iron Skyreaver
Mount Loot
- Added to Blizzard Store in January 2014.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest riding skill.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection size achievements.
- Has a pair of afterburners attached to the saddle that burn while flying, complete with a jet engine noise.
WoW Vanilla Collector's Edition
Pet Loot
- Upon linking WoW Vanilla Collector's Edition key to account, recieve all three [Zergling Leash], [Panda Collar], [Diablo Stone] pets.
- Each pet unlocks a Feat of Strength, "Collector's Edition: Zergling", "Collector's Edition: Panda", "Collector's Edition: Mini-Diablo".
- Each pet is in-game mailed to all your account characters, existing and future.
Tuskarr Kite
Pet Loot
- This kite acts as an companion/pet.
- It follows you around like normal pets, and is attached by a string.
- Every few minutes or so a bolt of lightning hits the kite and travels down the string to zap you, shaking your screen. It does no damage.
- The bolt of lightning occurs more regularly in rainy conditions.
- Try giving it to a Druid then fly the kite whilst in flight form.
- Fly the kite whilst traveling on the Stormwind-Ironforge tram or whilst on the Great Lift.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.