News for March 7, 2025 more
We have been given word that the following Trolli promotional loot are expiring at the end of March 2025:
- [Gummi]
- [Classic Brick Tabard]
- [Classic Lively Tabard]
- [Classic Sunny Tabard]
- [Classic Crimson Tabard]
We have good news for pet collectors, Vanilla CE Pets are back in stock for US / KR / TW / EU regions.
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Path of Cenarius
Other Loot
- Each card redeems for a stack of 100.
- Duration is 5 minutes.
- Useable in feral / altered forms (except flight).
- Only dying and mounting removes the buff, zoning hearthing etc. does not break buff.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Ethereal Portal
Toy Loot
- Functions as a hearthstone but with more expansive graphics.
- Shares hearthstone cooldown (30 min.) effectively replacing hearthstone.
- Character uses an Ethereal gate as used by the Consortium faction when hearthing.
- Sets to current hearth location when received and location can be changed by any Innkeeper.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Luminous Starseeker
Mount Loot
- Added to the Blizzard Store in August 2017.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest riding skill.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection size achievements.
- When prompted to fly, wings will appear and give the power of flight.
- The visual aesthetic will shift color every 15 to 20 seconds, rotating from Black/Blue with Purple accents, to Purple/Orange with Yellow accents, to Blue/Neon Blue with Purple accents. The adult model version of the Blizzard Store battle pet Twilight.
X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME
Mount Loot
- Upon redemption of this loot code you will receive two rockets. One with a blue model the other with a red model.
- Each mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land and flight riding skill.
- Can be used in land mount only areas.
- The shape is Slim Pickens-style.
- Both the level 60 mount (rare) and the level 70 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Both the rare and epic version can be learned by same character.
- When learned, each rocket mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
Blue Murloc Egg
Pet Loot
- "Murky" is the in-game name of the pet.
- Unlocks the "Murky" Feat of Strength achievement.
- Available for US, EU, and KR servers.
- Even in the heat of the battle, if Murky feels like tapping his feet, he'll dance whilst you die.
- Zas'Tysh redeems for Horde in Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar.
- Ransin Donner redeems for Alliance in Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge.
- Upon redemption one will receive a pet item that "Binds to warband". When used, all characters on that account may use the pet.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Usable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Imperial Quilen
Mount Loot
- Originally exclusive to the Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition Upgrade. Added to the Blizzard Store in June 2020.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest riding skill.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection size achievements.
- Shares a model with the Expedition Rewards mount, Qinsho's Eternal Hound. These are the only two Quilen models currently within the game. However, the Imperial Quilen is a flying mount and the Eternal Hound is not.
- When prompted to fly, jade wings pop out of the back and give the power of flight.