Bound Blizzard

Bound Blizzard

Bound Blizzard
Item Level 10
Binds to Warband
Mount (Account-wide)
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. Summons and dismisses this mount.
Requires Apprentice Riding

"A flurrious, fridgid friend, frost-flecked for frozen fun."
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Right Click to summon and dismiss Ysergle.
Chilling Celebration Banner
Binds when picked up
Use: Plant your frosty banner. (3 Min Cooldown)

"It's the coolest banner you've seen."
Game Facts:
  • Bound Blizzard is a flying mount that has a unique summoning animation, /mountspecial, and a BlizzCon logo on its back.
  • Ysergle "The Dreamurk" pet has unique interactions by targeting her and typing /sleep or /dance.
  • Chilling Celebration Banner is an interactable toy, when clicked by you or a party member, a pennant will appear on the character's back for 1 hour.
  • Available as part of BlizzCon 2023.
  • Available for US, EU, and KR Battlenet Accounts.
  • When redeemed, counts towards all mount, pet, and toy collection achievements.
Rarity: 30,000 printed
Distribution: BlizzCon 2023

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