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Little White Stallion Bridle
- Alliance receive Little White Stallion Bridle, Horde receive Little Ivory Raptor Whistle.
- Each loot code redeems for a stack of 50.
- Reflects current riding skill, minimum of Riding skill 75 (level 20).
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- Lasts until dismount.
- Is a super-common loot card.
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Imperial Quilen
- Originally exclusive to the Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition Upgrade. Added to the Blizzard Store in June 2020.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest riding skill.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection size achievements.
- Shares a model with the Expedition Rewards mount, Qinsho's Eternal Hound. These are the only two Quilen models currently within the game. However, the Imperial Quilen is a flying mount and the Eternal Hound is not.
- When prompted to fly, jade wings pop out of the back and give the power of flight.
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Iron Skyreaver
- Added to Blizzard Store in January 2014.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest riding skill.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection size achievements.
- Has a pair of afterburners attached to the saddle that burn while flying, complete with a jet engine noise.
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Hateforged Blazecycle
- Available as part of special promotion in conjunction with Mountain Dew, Doritos, Rockstar, and Xbox in November 2024.
- Available for US, EU, and KR Battlenet Accounts.
- Unique, only one allowed per account.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection achievements.
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Savage Ebony Battle Turtle
- Available as part of special promotion in conjunction with Steelseries in September 2024.
- Available for US, EU, and KR Battlenet Accounts.
- Unique, only one allowed per account.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection achievements.
- Yes, it has cannons.
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Riding Turtle
- On land, turtle mount moves at normal character running / walk speed.
- In water, swim speed increased to 100%.
- No riding skill is required to use.
- Can be affected by +mount speed items and spell effects.
- When learned, the turtle mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Landro's Gift Box
- "Right Click" empties contents of box automatically regardless of missing such text on tooltip.
- Contains one TCG consumable, either:
And maybe on rare occasions one tradeable TCG mount, either:
- Characters will not receive a mount already in inventory.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Wooly White Rhino
- The level 40 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- When learned, counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Coral-Stalker Waveray
- Available as part of special promotion in conjunction with Razer in December 2024.
- Available for US, EU, and KR Battlenet Accounts.
- Unique, only one allowed per account.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection achievements.
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Big Battle Bear
- You receive one epic item version when you redeem the code.
- Fur color is royal purple.
- The level 40 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- When learned, the bear mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Big Blizzard Bear
- Both Horde and Alliance can ride the mount.
- Upon redemption one will receive a mount item that "Binds to warband". When used, all characters on that account may use the mount.
- Available for US, EU, and KR servers.
- Unlocks the "Big Blizzard Bear" Feat of Strength achievement.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- Zas'Tysh redeems for Horde in Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar.
- Ransin Donner redeems for Alliance in Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge.
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Grinning Reaver
- Available as part of special promotion in conjunction with Steelseries in September 2024.
- Available for US, EU, and KR Battlenet Accounts.
- Unique, only one allowed per account.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection achievements.
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Swift Shorestrider
- First tallstrider mount available in-game.
- Predominately turquoise colored, with crimson chest.
- You receive one epic item version when you redeem the code.
- The level 20 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- When learned, the tallstrider mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Stormwind Skychaser
- Receive both "Stormwind Skychaser" and "Orgrimmar Interceptor" in your account characters Mounts tab upon redemption.
- Unlocks the "Rides Of War" Feat of Strength achievement.
- Both are Two-Seater flying mounts.
- The Stormwind Skychaser has 4 side cannons which swivel around. In the mountspecial the ship backs up and fires these 4 side guns. The propellers change orientation based on whether you're flying on running. Varian's compass sits on the ledge of the cockpit, just behind the pilots seat.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection achievements.
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Savage Raptor
- You receive one epic item version when you redeem the code.
- The level 20 mount (epic) can be traded in-game once patch 4.2 goes live.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- When learned, the raptor mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Blazing Hippogryph
- The level 60 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest flying riding skill.
- When learned, counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Mottled Drake
- The level 60 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest flying riding skill.
- When learned, counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME
- Upon redemption of this loot code you will receive two rockets. One with a blue model the other with a red model.
- Each mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land and flight riding skill.
- Can be used in land mount only areas.
- The shape is Slim Pickens-style.
- Both the level 60 mount (rare) and the level 70 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Both the rare and epic version can be learned by same character.
- When learned, each rocket mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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White Riding Camel
- Fourth camel mount available in-game.
- Predominately silvery white colored with luxurious riding sadle.
- You receive one epic item version when you redeem the code.
- The level 20 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- When learned, the camel mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Corrupted Hippogryph
- Dark olive colored Hippogryph.
- You receive one epic item version when you redeem the code.
- The level 20 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest flying/land riding skill.
- When learned, the hippogryph mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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- The only dragon/drake that can be used as a land mount at level 20.
- Claws trail green vapour and embers when moving.
- Green glowing glyph above head.
- The level 20 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to character highest flying/land riding skill.
- Useable by all account characters at level 20 or greater on same BattleNet account.
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Amani Dragonhawk
- You receive one epic item version when you redeem the code.
- The level 60 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest flying riding skill.
- When learned, the dragonhawk mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Ghastly Charger's Skull
- You receive one epic item version when you redeem the code.
- Emits violet vapour from mane and hooves.
- The level 20 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your character highest flying/land riding skill.
- Useable as both land and flying mount.
- Useable by all account characters at level 20 or greater on same BattleNet account.
- When learned, the charger mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Magic Rooster Egg
- You receive one epic item version when you redeem the code.
- It crows and scratches like a real-life rooster.
- The level 40 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- When learned, the rooster mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
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Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger
- Upon redemption you will receive two versions of this mount. The epic version will have extra armor on both tail and legs.
- Both the rare and epic version can be learned by same character.
- Both the level 20 mount (rare) and the level 40 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Each mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest land riding skill.
- When learned, each tiger mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).