Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E.

Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E.

Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E.
Binds when picked up
Use: Starts a dance party.
"Goblinoid Resonant Electro-Neural Automatic Dancing Emitter"
Game Facts:
  • GRENADE = Goblinoid Resonant Electro-Neural Automatic Dancing Emitter.
  • Anyone (from either faction) inside the reticle when the grenade explodes receives a 1-minute buff that causes them to dance.
  • Creates confetti and streamers to enhance the party.
  • You receive a stack of 100 grenades when you redeem the code. Can stack up to 250.
  • Is a super-common loot card.
  • Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Expansion: Drums of War
Card: Slashdance
Rarity: 1/11 booster packs
Distribution: Drums of War booster boxes contain 24 boosters and cost approx $65 USD (inc. shipping), therefore the average cost of obtaining this particular loot with random chance is $30.00

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Price History

  By Mail           Winning Bid

Purchase Options

Digital Code S&H
Instant Delivery
By Mail S&H Qty
$0.00 49 / 92
$0.00 2 / 2
$0.00 1
$0.00 10 / 13
$0.00 9 / 9
$0.00 3 / 3
$0.00 10 / 10
$0.00 10 / 16
$0.00 2 / 2
$0.00 1
$0.00 1
$0.00 10 / 11
Showed cheapest 12 of 61